203-272-2245 · 104 Main Street, Cheshire, CT 06410

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Upcoming Events

Volunteens Craft: Rainbow Twirler

6:00pm Monday, March 3

Stop by the Children’s Room between 6:00pm and 7:00pm to make a rainbow craft with the help of teen volunteers! 

For children of all ages and their caregivers.

Registration is not required, just drop in. 

Bounce & Rhyme Baby Storytime (0-12 months)

10:00am Wednesday, March 5

Join us for stories, rhymes and songs in this interactive storytime.

Register once per child to attend all 4 classes: March 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th.

Irish Concert with Liz McNicholl

2:00pm Saturday, March 8

Join Liz McNicholl, a native from County Meath, Ireland for an Irish Celebration Concert. Liz will weave Irish ballads, singalongs & original songs into her show. Liz also intertwines a little Gaelic and endearing storytelling of growing up in Ireland, and she gathers everyone at the end of her performance for an Irish group dance. 

Registration is required.

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eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and more…



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With a Cheshire Library card, Cheshire residents have access to free books, movies, music, downloadables, and more. It’s easy to get a card, and you can apply online.

Support The Library 


Has the Cheshire Public Library touched your life or the life of someone close to you? Consider making a donation. Even $5 helps!  Your donation helps purchase materials for the library’s collection, toys and craft supplies, library furniture, and more.  When you support the library, you make a statement about the importance of the library in your life and in your community

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