Begin by clicking on the MY ACCOUNTlink here or on the homepage of the website.
Enter your 14-digit library card number and pin code. For help creating or changing your pin code, click here.
Your checkouts will be listed. If you wish, you can Sort by Due Date.
Click on box next to the items you wish to renew. Then click the Renew Marked.
If you wish to renew ALL items, click the RENEW ALL button.
A message will be displayed: The following item(s) will be renewed. Would you like to proceed? Click YES.
The screen will tell you if your renewals were successful and display the new due date. If a renewal was NOT successful, you will see the reason highlighted in red under STATUS.
If you cannot renew because you owe fines, click on the Fines and Fees link in the left-hand column. Fines can be paid online.
If you need assistance, please contact the library at 203-272-2245.
To reserve materials, enter the title you wish to reserve in the search box of the CATALOG.
If you wish, refine your search use the selection tools on the left-hand side of the page.
Choose the correct title from the search results and click the REQUEST IT button.
Select the library where you wish to pick the book up. For instance, if you wish to have the book sent to the Cheshire Public Library choose Cheshire from the list. Click the SUBMIT button.
A confirmation box will appear. Click the OK button.
Your hold has been placed. If you have signed up for email notification, you will receive an email from when the hold is available. Otherwise, you will receive a phone call.
When your hold is available, you can pick it up from our self-serve holds shelf located in our main lobby. Search for your hold by the first four letters of your last name and the last four numbers of your patron barcode. You must have your library card with you to pick up your hold.